Our Features

Notum aggregates a wide variety of features from portfolio management to investments.

Risk Assessment

Notum simplifies assessing the risk levels of major DeFi pools, aiding in a clearer understanding of your investments without delving into complex technicalities.

Invest in 1-click

With the Notum Investment feature, you can access and monitor investment options offered by the largest DeFi protocols and invest in a 1-click manner.


The Notum Portfolio feature simplifies tracking your wallet activity by avoiding the necessity to use multiple apps or leap between them, making it easier to know what's going on in your wallet.

Cross-chain Swap

Notum makes it possible for users to make cross-chain token swaps, offering more cost-effective and quicker transactions compared to other decentralized bridges.

Profit and Loss Feature [Launching Q1 2024]

Optimize your DeFi investment tracking with Notum: Get detailed profit and loss insights for leading DeFi pools, leveraging historical deposit and withdrawal data for precise PnL analysis.

Last updated