
Notum solves the problem of finding the best ways to invest and knowing how risky it is. We give you tools to help you make smart decisions and do your own research.


Many investors struggle to find good ways to invest their money in the cryptocurrency market. It's even harder because they're not sure how risky each investment is. There are so many different options to choose from, which makes the problem even harder. The main issue here is that people don't have clear information and tools to help them decide where to invest their money.

Our platform is here to fix this problem. We help you make the most of your cryptocurrency by giving you different options based on how much risk you're comfortable with.

  • Browse among all trusted investment options, including liquidity pools, vaults, and farms, and explore the corresponding investment strategy, along with assets that are used in the position.

  • Invest in selected investment options with any liquid token and instantly manage your position on the platform.


Notum partners with a diverse range of DeFi providers to optimize transaction processing across various protocols. Our selection criteria prioritize provider availability, route efficiency, and rigorous security standards. The table below outlines the providers integrated into our platform, along with details of their audits for transparency and user assurance.

ProviderAudit 1Audit 2Audit 3Audit 4

Spearbit (11 Apr 2023)

Spearbit (18 Oct 2022)

Quantstamp (6 May 2022)

Code4rena (30 Mar 2022)

MixBytes (Feb 2023)

Chainsecurity ( Jan 2023)

ABDK (Dec 2022)

MixBytes (Jul 2022)

Certik (9 Mar, 2021)

Slowmist (9 Mar, 2021)

Zellic (5 Jun, 2023)

Certik Skynet (4 Dec, 2022)

Current Investment Options

The list of protocols available on the 'Investment' page can be found on the 'Protocols' page. There you can also find a list of protocols that are about to be integrated.


Step-by-step Guide

  1. Visit the 'Investment' page on the Notum app.

  2. On the page, you can see the list of investment options provided by the largest Defi Protocols. Using the filter block on the right, users can filter the list using several parameters.

    1. The first row of buttons provides users with an option to among types of investments. "LP" stands for liquidity pool, by pressing this button, the list will show only items that are related to liquidity pools. By pressing the "Single" button user will see only strategies that involve only one asset, such as staking, yield strategies, etc. "No IL" stands for strategies that are not subject to impermanent loss. The "Stable" filter is used if a user wants to find strategies that involve only stable assets, such as stablecoins.

    2. APY (Annual Percentage Yield) is important when considering DeFi investments as it represents the potential annualized return, helping investors assess the profitability of staking or lending their assets within a protocol. Using the APY range filter users can set a custom range of APY that they want to see on the list

    3. TVL (Total Value Locked) is important when considering DeFi investments because it reflects the amount of assets staked in a protocol, indicating its popularity and potential for generating returns. TVL filter allows users to choose a specific range of TVL presented on the platform.

    4. Within the filter panel, there's an option to select assets employed within the strategies.

    5. Furthermore, you have the ability to apply filters to the list to show only the protocols you prefer.

    6. Lastly, you can choose networks for the showcased investments from the list.

  3. By clicking on a particular strategy users can further explore the details of the particular investment.

  4. On the investment page, it is possible to find out more information about APY fluctuation over time, which is displayed in the form of a bar chart. Additionally, users can find our breakdown of the APY, what portion of the APY is formed via reward APY and base APY.

  5. Using the calculator on the top right of the platform, it is possible to estimate daily, monthly, and annual investment profit, for the selected investment options, which is based on the APY that is spotted on the day that the user visits the platform.

  6. Below the APY graph, it is possible to find more information on the investment strategy information and information on the assets involved in the pool, vault, or farm.

  7. On the left, users can spot a "Deposit" form that can be used for Entering an investment position or selling a position that they poses.

  8. To use the form, connect your wallet to the platform.

  9. In the "asset to send" choose the asset that you want to use in order to invest in the selected strategy. This can be any of your liquid assets that can be found in the dropdown menu. Asset to receive can not be changed.

    1. To exit a particular position, it is possible to exit by pressing the double arrows icon, which will change the assets.

    2. Once this button is pressed, the assets will change places on the form will allow you to sell your selected position for any available asset on the platform.

    3. Before swapping a token to another, you will need to approve the usage of the asset on the platform. To do so, press the "Approve" button and sign the transaction that pops out in your wallet. Once the approval is granted you will be able to swap assets and withdraw your investment position.

  10. In the "Asset to send" enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to deposit and in the "Asset to receive" you will see the amount that will be invested in the strategy, as a result of the deposit.

  11. Press the "Swap" button once you are a satisfied with provided deposit quote and in the opened window confirm the "Execute Order" transaction.

  12. Once the transaction is confirmed you will see the "Success" message on the screen. In a couple of minutes, you will see the updated balance on the overview tab.

Last updated